Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monet Cornucopia Brooch

A little something for Thanksgiving- although I am a little late. This cornucopia brooch from Monet is really detailed and surprisingly very heavy.

Friday, November 28, 2008

1975 Sarah Coventry Love Story Ring

This cute ring is called "Love Story," and it can be found in the 1975 Sarah Coventry catalog. These rings are presumably birth stone or anniversary rings- each featuring two rhinestone hearts with silver tone leaf accents. Depending on your birth or anniversary month you pick the corresponding ring. This particular ring has pink stones and in the catalog it states: October - Rose Zircon.

Octobers birthstone is the opal and the substitute is pink tourmaline, so I suppose Sarah Coventry felt any old pink stone would do. Really- it doesn't matter to me, because the ring is so cute I would wear regardless of having the proper matching birthstones. My birth stone is emerald and I get tired of wearing green- so I wouldn't mind having the whole collection to wear.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vintage 1940's Eisenberg Peacock Demi Parure

This Eisenberg demi parure is called "Peacock" and dates from 1945 - 1955. It is signed on the back of the huge pendant and the earrings with the large capital "E." The original hang tag has the price of $22.50 on it, which I assume would make it kind of pricey in the late forties. When I first acquired it- I thought it was one of the gaudiest things I had ever seen, since then I have learned to appreciate it more. For the record if you are interested in this piece it sold last week, but I still thought it prudent to get the pictures up for collector's who might comes across these pieces and not know the name of the set.

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